Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024

 When we are grieving this is all we ask of people. 

Comfort & Hope at Easter

No day is easy when you're missing your loved ones.  Holidays like Easter can make the grief feel fresh and overwhelming. Hopefully, these quotes can give you a bit of comfort as you navigate this difficult time.

  • My heart aches to see you and hold you. But I take comfort in knowing you're celebrating Easter in Heaven.
  • Easter gives me a hopeful reminder that I'll hold you in my arms again one day.
  • One day we'll celebrate Easter in Heaven together, and that's what I'm holding onto today.
  • The hope of seeing you again one day is what gives me the strength to go on.
  • Easter gives me hope that even death cannot separate us.
  • On Earth you gave me joy. In Heaven, you give me hope.
  • The tears I shed today are half hope for eternity and half sadness at missing you in the present. 

  • Use these quotes to put your emotions into words and also to find the hope and comfort you might need on Easter as you're missing someone you love. From journaling on your own to sharing the quote with a family member who is also grieving, these words might bring a reminder of the very hope that Easter offers to everyone.

  • Reprinted from

Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday, March 8, 2024


It's hard when you miss people.

But you know, if you miss them it means you were lucky. 

It means you had someone special in your life, 

someone worth missing.


Monday, February 12, 2024

Love to Laura

Happy Valentine's Day to my angel, Laura

I am sending you all my love, loads of kisses, and lots of hugs, 

today and every day. I want you to know that you are missed 

so much by Dad and me.   My heart still has a huge hole in it, 

which will never heal until I see you again. Until that day, I will

keep looking for signs that you send me 

to let me know you are with me.   Keep being my shining star!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

We will always think of you...

Remembering my niece, Cynthia. Today is her Heavenly anniversary. Cynthia, you are missed by so many. You will never be forgotten. I hope you are with your cousin and the two of you are having a blast with the rest of the family, especially Pop. You both loved him so much. 


Sunday, January 14, 2024

 This is so true! I love for people to share their memories of my daughter. Especially during the holidays, when the absence of our daughter is intensified. It warms my heart so much to hear Laura's name spoken.

Her best friend, Michael.  never forgets to contact us for the holidays and reminds us that he will never forget his dear friend. A mother and father always want to keep their child’s memory alive.  Fifteen years later, Laura’s sweet, kind, and compassionate friend never forgets us! I hope he realizes how special he is to us.