Monday, August 5, 2013

Can a pet send a message?

August 4 2013

Last night I had an usual dream about my beloved pet, Sierra. I woke up in the middle of the night from the dream and quickly fell back to sleep and picked up the same dream. I am sure you have been able to do that too. Anyway, the jest of the dream was about the two of us running away and hiding. I don't recall what we were running from or who we were afraid of finding us. I remember telling her continuously that she had to be very quiet so no one would find us. I was so insisted about this. Sierra was wonderful, she obeyed me completely—never making a sound!

I honestly felt she was by my side. I miss my dog so much.

In the morning I shared my dream with Fred and later with my friend, Terry.

Anyway, maybe she was trying to send me a message!

August 5, 2013

Fred and I went walking after work to discover a walking path that we haven't been on. We saw a mama deer with her three fawns eating dinner alongside the bike path. She wasn't a bit frightened of people! We walked for about an hour and as we were just finishing and ready to jump in the car to head home I spotted a dog strolling along the path from the other side and heading directly to the street. My heart started to pound; I ran to stop the oncoming car, which was heading her way, from moving until the dog crossed. The driver would not have been able to see the dog because of the curve at the exit of the path. The dog would surely have been hit. I was able to calmly capture the dog and fortunately she was wearing a collar stating her name (Shelia), address, and phone number. Shelia never once made a sound!

Fred called and left a message for the person. The guardian called us back a few minutes later to tell us he was a Port Authority cop and in the city working. He was going to try and reach someone to come collect Shelia. Anyone who knows me, realizes that I was already planning to take the dog home with us. She was so friendly, well behaved, and quiet. That didn't happen though...the officer called back and gave us directions to his house. We drove Shelia home to her back yard. Before leaving I quickly scanned the yard to see if I could find where the pup escaped from. I didn’t want her to wander outside again. I was unsuccessful--I found no openings.

 We were just ready to leave the property when an elderly man came out of the house. He explained he left the gate open while he was watering the plants in the front yard and the dog walked off. I certainly hope the man doesn't make a habit of not securing the gate.

Anyway, the dog was safe and Fred and I felt great about saving the dog.

During the entire time I took control of Shelia she never once made a sound. I wonder if my Sierra was warning me that I was going to rescue a dog from potential harm?


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