Sunday, November 3, 2013

November--The month of beginnings and tragic ending for us

This month Laura will be gone for 5 long, sad years  I am going to add something about my daughter on an all-most daily basis throughout the month. I will try every day but can't promise. I realize my posts will not be of any interest to others but for me it is a comforting exercise. Our daughter still lives in my heart. We have been so fortunate because she has sent us numerous messages to let us know she is happy and well. I never try to convince anyone about the afterlife, nor will I argue the point.  I know what I feel and what I have experienced and no one can take that away from me.

Laura lives, not here but none the less, she lives and one day we will see her again.

I am starting out with a picture from Halloween, since the event recently passed I thought it appropriate to select one portraying the occasion.

Five years have all most passed since you left us, Laura.
In memory you will always stay, sadly missed
day after day, never to be forgotten.
Gone are the days we used to share,
but in our hearts you will always be there.
We live and miss you more than words can say.

Laura, David, Grandparents

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful picture and a beautiful memory. What a doll! You do what you need too, to stay strong.......she is truly and Angel!
