Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday with Bruiser

It is the third day of Bruiser’s stay with us. We started off with an hour’s walk this morning and met up with Coco and both pups became fast friends. Afterward, Bruiser had some fun in the dog run. I figured I would treat him to some off-leash time before I had a serious talk with him.

Dog run all to Bruiser

He decided it was time to go

When we arrived home we enjoyed our breakfast together. We both had our usual. Bruiser didn’t want any coffee. After breakfast I told him I had to have a conversation with him. So he patiently sat and listened to me. “Bruiser, you are the very best dog (Jackson & Louie, you are still top dogs)…but you must understand this woman does not like getting out of bed before the sun is up, especially on the weekend. So maybe tomorrow you can wait until the sun is completely in the sky before you are ready for your first walk of the day."
He is listening but I don't know
what is going on in his head.

I  will try but I can't promise.
A dog has to go when a dog has to go.
Good place for a nap on a snowy day.
Comfy in here with the fireplace warming up the house.
I think I will just catch a few winks
before Claudia looks to take me out again.

Let me sit up here with Claudia, she may need
some inspiration playing Words. Oh, wait, how
can I bark out the letters if I have a stuffy in my mouth?
Oh well, I am not dropping the stuffy,
she will just have to come up with her own words.
Taking advantage of Fred watching a movie.
He is a talented guy--he can do two things at once.
A little scratch to the right, please.
Oh, I am totally shameless.

Bruiser finally went up the steps by himself!

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